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Retirement Communities and Types
Cara Larose
No one can stop aging; everyone is going to get old. Aging results in diminishing physical strength, incapability to use physical senses well and memory loss. These are normal occurrences that need to be accepted. People who reach this stage in life may surely need assistance in their daily living activities. With fewer capabilities at their age, they might encounter injuries by doing things on their own. They need professional care and attention.
Elderly people or senior citizens are an important part of society because they are the ones who contoured our current lives. They comprise one of the most vulnerable sectors in the community. Fortunately, the government fairly provides them with the insurances they paid for many years. Retirement communities and assisted living facilities are scattered in different places in the country like Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Retirement communities are conceptually bigger than assisted living facilities in terms of area and number amenities. Nevertheless, the kind of assistance provided is similar. They can even be interchangeable in some ways, but assisted living facilities are more likely similar to retirement homes, which are a single building facility for senior citizens who no longer have work and usually living on their own without children to care for them.
A retirement community is wider and is intended to provide a complete avenue of retirement for retirees. The same system of
assisted living Pittsburg
offers is provided. However, there is an immediate intensive care available in times of emergencies. The area is typically designed with houses either apartment-type or single-unit-type, with other amenities like boating, swimming pools, ponds for boating, and others.
There are three types of retirement communities: active, active/supportive and supportive. The classification is based on the type of facilities and amenities found in the area as well as the level of care. Active
Pennsylvania retirement communities
generally consist of residential units and short-term health care facilities. This type is usually called independent living communities because occupants are mostly not requiring intensive care.
On the other hand, active/supportive
Pennsylvania retirement communities
have care level in between active and supportive. The level of health care is not as loose as that of active but not as intensive as that or supportive. Supportive retirement communities though are for elderly who needs serious treatment more than social care.
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